DMail Milestone 1.0
Drupal Mail Client
- Add paging links for the list of header items.
- The inbox is the only mail that receives "NEW" mail, modify the refresh to check only the inbox X time for mail.
- In the mailbox display of headers move the actions to a selection that will fire on change. This will allow for more items viewed per screen session.
- In the item display move the options for the item to the body table.
- Need to add action options for mesages from lists (list-help, list-unsubscribe, etc).
Need to provide a return to item and download buttons/links and perhaps a preview of the first few bytes of the file data would be good or even allowing the file to be saved in the files directory.
Should I store the body attachments as files in the files directory?
- The $linebreak parameter isn't used.
- The $cut_long parameter isn't used.